Exquisite Corpse


Artist Statement:

Going off of the original photo, I wanted to keep the illustration relatively close to the original drawing. Using the pen tool for the head and body of the cat, I made a simple outline for the final illustration. I did go off with my creative liberties with the pants, shirt, and shoes. I went with an "Earth Day" T-shirt and cargo pants along with high-top sneakers to go with the cat's chill pose. On the face, I also added eyebrows to make it less creepy. I copy and pasted many elements to create symmetry like the eyes and eyebrows but kept things like the ears and arms different to not make the illustration too "cold". For the background, I wanted to create depth, in so I used the pen tool to create dirt as well as distant mountains to make it look like the cat was standing far away almost like on top of another hill. To add more to the sky, I created clouds and used the gradient tool to make sure the clouds weren't too one-dimensional. I lastly added the sun to complete the background entirely and tie in with the cat's appearance.
